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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
FREEZO ice cream 30
FRIENDLY ice cream +face 30
FROSTEE ice-cream 30
FROSTY ice creams 30
FRUIT ICE CREAM +ice cream 34
FUN ice creams vanilla 30
FUN FLAVOURS ice cream 30, 43
FUN SCOOP ice cream 30
G.N. ice cream 30
GA ice cream +oval 30
GANGOTRI ice cubes 30
GAURAV ice cream 30
GIANI ice cream +women 30, 32
GIANI ice cream and more 29
GILERA ice 12
GLORIA ice-cream +oval 30
GO COOL WITH GOKUL ice crea 29
GOKKIE ice cream 30
GOKUL ice creams 29, 35
GOOD BOY ice-cream +oval 29
GOPAL ANMOL ice cream +boy 29, 30
GORAS ice cream +face flowe 30
GRAPE LIKSTICK ice candy 30
GUPTA kulfi ice cream 30
GURNOOR ice cream +oval 30
HALU ice creams +cartoons 30
HAPPY COW ice cream +cow 30
HAPPY HOLIDAY ice creams 29
HARBANS ice cream 42
HARBANS ice cream +face 30
HAVMOR ice cream TOPO CONE 30
HAVMOR ice cream almond 30
HAVMOR ice cream chocobar 30
HAVMOR ice cream kewra kulf 30
HAVMOR ice cream lolly pop 30
HAVMOR ice-cream 30
HELADO ice cream +cone 30
HERO pink ice 12
HILL MAN'S ice cream 30
HIMALIYA ice cream +oval 30
HOLIDAY ice cream 30
HUMPTY DUMPTY ice cream 30, 35
I CONTRAST ice cream +face 30
ICE BOY fresh ice cream 29
ICEBERG house of ice creams 42
ICECREAM +ice cream cone 9
ICEMACS packaged tube ice 7
IDEAL ice cream +oval 30, 32
IGLOO ice cream +bear 30
INFLARYL ice-gel 5
IOTA ice creams +oval 30
JAC ice creams +oval 30
JAMAAI ice cream +spiral 30
JAS & MEY ice cream 30
JAY DEV ice cream +ovals 30
JAYKAYS ice creams 30
JBN ice candy +fruits 30
JILL ice creams +crown 30
JILMIL ice cream +ribbon 30
JOHNSON ice cream +boy girl 30
JOY the cream of ice creams 30
JUMANI ice cream 30
JUNO ice cream +cartoons 30
JYOTI ice candy in devnagar 30
K.P. QUALITY BIG-G ice crea 30
KAILACY ice cream pasta 30
KALRA ice cream 30
KAMATH'S natural ice cream 30
KAPOOR ice-cream +chef 30
KARLOVA ice cream 30
KATHIYAWAD ice cream +spira 30
KAVNDER ice cream +oval 16
KAWRE ice kream 29
KI KAMDHENU ice cream +oval 30
KING'S ice cream +ovals 29
KIWI ice cream 29
KLEAN-ice 11
KOHINOOR ice-cream +face 30
KOOL CAT ice cream parlour 30
KRISH ice-cream +oval 30
KRISHNA ice cream 30
KRISHNA ice cream +oval 30
KRUSHNAI ice creme +oval 30
KUBE ice 30
KUKKU ice creams 30
KUTTY'S ice cream 30
KVK SAICHETHAN ice cream 30
KWALITY ice cream 30
LALZA ice cream +boy 30
LAZZA ice cream GUD BUD 30
LAZZA ice-cream 30
LEO ice cream 30
LILY WHITE ice creams 30
LIMONCELLO ice 30, 42
LIPTON ice tea 30, 32
LIPTON ice tea sparkling 30
LIRIL ice cream +circles 30
LIRIL ice cream +hearts 30
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